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호주 유학일기 25 - OSCE 시험

3학년 1학기 중 가장 어려웠던 Pharmacy practice 3의 OSCE 시험 후기 남겨두기!

이번 OSCE 시험은 총 4개의 Station이 있었는데, 그중 3개 Station은 캠퍼스 내에서 8분동안 대면으로 진행하는 SBR/DPR/Rx&DAA checking이었고, 1개온라인으로 녹화해서 올리는 Big interview였다

SBR DPR는 환자가 직접 특정 제품요청하냐 안 하냐의 차이만 있기 때문에 템플릿이 거의 동일하고, DPR에서 환자가 요청한 제품이 환자의 증상에 적합하지 않을 때만 요청한 제품이 적합하지 않은 이유를 부가적으로 설명해 주면 된다.

(( 참고로 이 포스팅은 내가 참고하려고 만든 템플릿이고 정답은 아님!! ))


1. Symptom Based Request (SBR)

1) Introduction

  •  Hi, I'm Jeonga, your pharmacist today. How can I help you?


2) Reaffirmation

  • Are you the one experiencing these symptoms?

- 본인 증상인지 확인

- 다른 사람 증상인 경우, 이 사람도 치료가 필요한지 확인(e.g. If a baby has oral thrush, breastfeeding mother should be treated as well) 


3) Confirm Symptoms

  • Where are you experiencing the symptoms?
  • Do you have any photo of your symptoms?
  • How long have you been experiencing these symptoms?
  • Do you have any idea why you might be experiencing this?
  • Is there any other symptoms you've noticed? (e.g. referral symptoms 있으면 refer to GP)

- 여유 있으면 공감 문장(e.g. I'm sorry to hear that) 말해주기

- 비슷한 증상일 경우, Differential diagnosis 에 필요한 적절한 질문 잘하기(e.g. BV vs Vaginal candidiasis)


4) Check Medical / Medication history

  • Have you had these symptoms before? (If yes, did you see doctor or use anything?)
  • Have you tried anything to resolve this issue? (if yes, how did it go?)


5) Confrim Rx  & OTC & CAM medicines

  • Are you taking any Rx medications? (anything prescribed by a doctor)
  • Are you taking any OTC medications? (anything you purchase from the supermarket or pharmacy)
  • Are you taking any CAM medications? (any vitamins or supplements)

  - Rx, OTC, CAM 복용 여부 따로따로 물어보기


6) Establish Health conditions & Smoking & Alcohol & Allergies

  • Do you have any medical conditions?
  • Do you smoke? Do you consume alcohol? (if needed, ask how often and how much)
  • Are you allergic to anything?


7) (Female patient) Establish Pregnancy & Breastfeeding status

  • Just to be safe, is there any chance you might be pregnant at the moment? 
  • Just to be safe, is there any chance you might be breastfeeding at the moment? 


8) Diagnosis

  • Thank you for answering these questions. Would you mind if I have a look at my resources, and come back to you? 
  • Thank you for your patient. Based on your symptoms, it looks like you might have a ________

   - APF랑 AMH 통해 병명, 주의사항(eg.Pregnancy - Fluconazole X), 제품, 복용법 확인

    - 병명 정확히 말하기


9) Recommend product & Counselling

  • I would like to recommend __________
  • e.g. Apply ______ cream to the affected area once daily for 7 days. It may cause the dryness of the skin. If your symptoms worsen or does not resolve within _____ days, please refer to GP

  - 카운슬링할 때, (알약/크림/패치 등) 복용법, 복용량, 사용 기간, 부작용, 레퍼럴 포인트 언급하기


10) Non-pharmacological Counselling

  • For self-care, it is good to ______________  (e.g. Try to avoid sun exposure)
  • I'll give you this paper(SCC/CMI) that has the information you can look at.

  - SCC/APF/AMH 보고 2-3 라이프스타일 팁 언급하기


11) Follow up

  • Is there any other concern you might want to ask?
  • If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to come back to the pharmacy
  • Thank you. Have a good day!


2.  Direct Product Request (DPR)

NRT products

1) Introduction

  •  Hi, I'm Jeonga, your pharmacist today. How can I help you?


2) Reaffirmation

  • Is it for yourself?
  • Can I ask what are you using it for?
  • (If patient has a preference), Is there any reason you prefer (product)?


3) Confirm Symptoms

  • Where are you experiencing the symptoms?
  • Do you have any photo of your symptoms?
  • How long have you been experiencing these symptoms?
  • Is there any other symptoms you've noticed? (e.g. referral symptoms있으면 refer to GP)

- 여유 있으면 공감 문장(e.g. I'm sorry to hear that) 말해주기

- 비슷한 증상일 경우, Differential diagnosis에 필요한 적절한 질문 잘하기(e.g. BV vs Vaginal candidiasis)


4) Check Medical / Medication history

  • Have you had these symptoms before? (If yes, did you see doctor or use anything?)
  • Before coming here today, have you done anything to try and resolve this issue? (if yes, how did it go?)


5) Confrim Rx / OTC / CAM medicines

  • Are you taking any Rx medications? (anything prescribed by a doctor)
  • Are you taking any OTC medications? (anything you purchase from the supermarket or pharmacy)
  • Are you taking any CAM medications? (any vitamins or supplements)


6) Establish Health conditions / Smoking & Alcohol / Allergies

  • Do you have any other medical conditions?
  • Do you smoke? Do you consume alcohol? (if needed, ask how often and how much)
  • Are you allergic to anything?


7) (Female patient) Establish Pregnancy / Breastfeeding status

  • Just to be safe, is there any chance you might be pregnant at the moment? 
  • Just to be safe, is there any chance you might be breastfeeding at the moment?   


8) Diagnosis

  • Thank you for answering these questions. Would you mind if I have a look at my resources, and come back to you? 
  • Thank you for your patient. Based on your symptoms, it looks like you might have a ________

    - APF랑 AMH 통해 병명, 주의사항, 제품, 복용법 확인

    - 병명 정확히 말하기


9) Product selection & Counselling

  • (요청한 제품이 환자 증상에 적절할 경우)I would like to recommend ________ as you requested
  • (요청한 제품이 환자 증상에 적절하지 않을 경우) I would better recommend ______ since the product you requested (mention why it's not appropriate for patient, such as wrong indication, inappropriate for pregnancy, contraindication)
  • e.g. Apply ______ cream to the affected area once daily for 7 days. It may cause the dryness of the skin. If your symptoms worsen or does not resolve within _____ days, please refer to GP

  - 환자가 요청한 제품이 적절한 제품이 아닌 경우, 왜 적절하지 않은지 이유 언급하기 (e.g. wrong indication, pregnancy contraindication)

  - 카운슬링할 때, (알약/크림/패치 등) 복용법, 복용량, 사용 기간, 부작용, 레퍼럴 포인트 언급하기


10) Non-pharmacological Counselling

  • For self-care, it is good to ______________  (e.g. Try to avoid sun exposure)
  • I'll give you this paper(SCC/CMI) that has the information you can look at.

  - SCC/APF/AMH 보고 2-3 라이프스타일 팁 언급하기


11) Follow up

  • Is there any other concern you might want to ask?
  • If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to come back to the pharmacy
  • Thank you. Have a good day!